LearnTech Lab
The LearnTech Labs (LT Labs) are a place for instructors to collaborate and innovate. Our services include technology checkout, instructional video production, and general technology support. For a full list of services, click here.
Lakeland LT Lab – LLC 2269 | Winter Haven LT Lab – WHC 143 |
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. Phone: Ext. 6157 Lab Assistant: Brandon Amato | Darius Leysner | Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. Phone: Ext. 5439 Lab Assistant: Brandon Amato |
Lab Assistants are available for the following services by appointment:
Instructional Video Production
To request our video production services, please complete the Video Request form at least one week prior to the date needed. Click here to view our guide for video production services.
Technology Training
We offer one-on-one training on several technologies, including our learning management system and third-party tools. For individualized training on Canvas, Camtasia, Kaltura, Microsoft Office and PIE, Big Blue Button, Turnitin, and more, contact the LT Labs.
Collaborative Meetings
We offer limited space for collaborative meetings. To schedule a meeting in the LT Labs, contact a team member at least one week prior to the date needed.
Equipment Checkout
We offer several technology tools for checkout, including iPads, laptops, Apple TVs, GoPros, VR Headsets, and more.
To learn more, visit us online in Learning Technology Support!